Sunday, November 15, 2009

Court, take 15

Tue, May 30, 2006

Everyone, it's OVER!
After 2 years...
15 court dates...
5 defense lawyers...
3 judges...
2 DAs...
and one courthouse change...

He finally pled guilty. It's official, we are THE most insane witness/victims they've ever seen, because we persevered all this time. He realized we weren't going away... like a BAD RASH... and so he gave up. Just simply gave up. I told the judge my story, trembling with rage and fear, in my 'I'm a serious yet adorable vet student' outfit... the judge was so completely apologetic and sympathetic (I mean I have studied for over 10 exams in that stinking place, for jeebus sakes!). Greg also stood and told his truth and the judge was completely all "so sorry, sir, so sorry..." and commended us for our decency and good citizenship...


Justice does have it's day, even if you have to chase it down and point fingers at it and throw a tantrum and threaten a lot.
hee hee

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